【摘要】 北京时间8月6日凌晨,西甲巴塞罗那俱乐部发布公告称,梅西将不会继续为巴萨效力。FILE PHOTO: Soccer Football - La Liga Santander

FILE PHOTO: Soccer Football - La Liga Santander - FC Barcelona v Real Sociedad - Camp Nou, Barcelona, Spain - March 7, 2020 Barcelona's Lionel Messi celebrates scoring their first goal REUTERS/Albert Gea/File Photo
Six-time Ballon d'Or winner Lionel Messi will leave Barcelona despite both parties having reached an agreement over a new contract, the La Liga club said, citing economic and structural obstacles to the renewal of the deal.西甲巴塞罗那俱乐部表示,尽管双方已就签订新合同达成协议,但由于经济和制度因素的制约,梅西将不再效力巴萨。梅西曾六次获得金球奖。
Messi, who joined Barca's youth set-up aged 13, is the club's all-time top scorer and appearance maker with 672 goals in 778 games in all competitions.梅西13岁加入巴萨青训营,他已为这支球队在正式比赛中出战778场,打入672个进球,是该俱乐部史上出场次数最多、进球最多的队员。
The Argentine helped Barcelona claim 10 league titles, four Champions Leagues and three Club World Cups among his haul of 35 trophies.梅西为巴萨赢得了35座冠军奖杯,其中包括10个西甲联赛冠军、4个欧洲冠军联赛冠军和3个国际足联俱乐部世界杯冠军。
世界杯(FIFA World Cup),由国际足球联合会(FIFA)每四年举办一次,是世界足坛规模最大、水平最高的赛事。2022年世界杯将在卡塔尔举行。
欧洲足球锦标赛(UEFA European Championship),即“欧洲杯”,是由欧洲足联(the Union of European Football Associations)成员国参加的最高级别国家级足球赛事,于1960年举行第一届,其后每四年举行一届。赛事创办时名称为European Nations Cup,其后于1968年改名为European Football Championship。
欧洲冠军联赛(UEFA Champions League),是欧足联最有声望的一项俱乐部赛事,前身是1955/56赛季创建的欧洲俱乐部冠军杯赛,1992年欧洲足联对这项杯赛的赛制和名称进行了修改。
国际足联俱乐部世界杯(FIFA Club World Cup),简称“世俱杯”,是由国际足联主办、来自六大洲最顶级的球队参与的国际性足球锦标赛。
亚洲杯足球赛(AFC Asian Cup),简称“亚洲杯”,是由亚洲足球联合会(Asian Football Confederation)举办的每四年一届的国际性足球锦标赛,属于亚洲区内最高级别的国家级赛事,参赛球队必须是亚足联成员。

FC Barcelona's Lionel Messi and teammates celebrate winning the Copa del Rey with the trophy in Seville, Spain, April 17, 2021. [Photo/Agencies]
"Despite FC Barcelona and Lionel Messi having reached an agreement and the clear intention of both parties to sign a new contract today, this cannot happen because of financial and structural obstacles (Spanish La Liga regulations)," Barca said in a statement.俱乐部和梅西之间原本已达成了一项协议,且双方均有在当日签署新合同的明确意向,但由于经济上和西甲相关规定方面的障碍,最终双方未能成功签订合同。
"As a result of this situation, Messi shall not be staying on at FC Barcelona. Both parties deeply regret that the wishes of the player and the club will ultimately not be fulfilled.鉴于这一情况,梅西将不会继续留在巴塞罗那足球俱乐部效力,俱乐部和球员本人的愿望最终未能达成,双方对此都深表遗憾。
"FC Barcelona wholeheartedly expresses its gratitude to the player for his contribution to the aggrandisement of the club and wishes him all the very best for the future in his personal and professional life."巴萨衷心感谢梅西为球队发展壮大所做的贡献,并祝愿他在未来的个人生活和职业生涯中一切顺利。
这里的aggrandisement的意思是“an increase in power or importance”,即“影响力或地位的提升”,比如:He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement is his motive.(他花了很多钱做慈善,但他的目的其实是提升个人影响力。)
Questions rise over his future but Messi has long been linked with a move to either French club Paris St Germain (PSG) or Manchester City, where he would be reunited with his former Barcelona boss Pep Guardiola.梅西的下一步去向引发关注,不过一直都有梅西可能加入法甲球队巴黎圣日耳曼或英超球队曼城的传言,如果加入曼城,梅西就会跟自己原来在巴萨的前老板何塞普·瓜迪奥拉重聚。
PSG, managed by Messi's compatriot Mauricio Pochettino, reached out immediately after it was announced that he was leaving Barcelona, the Athletic reported.据英国体育网站The Athletic报道,听到梅西要离开巴萨的消息后,巴黎圣日耳曼立即主动与其联系,而该俱乐部的主教练是梅西的阿根廷“老乡”毛里西奥·波切蒂诺。

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(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)